main servers balmung, mateus

times for roleplay 5-12 pm AST

GHOSTIE. any pronouns.
discord: boxofcarrots

—   guidelines.

player is 20+/canadian/full-time student

ooc. open to all sorts of genres including psychological horror, mystery, ERP, and violent adult themes as long as all parties/companies involved are consenting and above the age of 19. NO EXCEPTIONS. I do accept erotic roleplay with my characters, but please keep OOC seperate from IC. I am not my characters, and I do not consider my characters a part of me.

interactions. zero patience for metagamers, OOC drama, and godmodders. If you have an issue with me or are concerned with any of the content that may occur within our roleplay, please speak to me about it as soon as you can. I am more than happy to talk it out without judgment and make arrangements to make you more comfortable. Additionally, if you have any triggers you would like me to be aware of, please tell me when you can! I want to make sure both of us are having fun in a safe, happy environment.

regarding combat. I am completely open to being attacked, kidnapped, robbed from, and everything in-between as long as the circumstances are reasonable and realistic. With this in mind, I also expect the same courtesy from you. If there is a moment where you feel yourself getting frustrated in an IC fight for whatever reason, feel free to step away or let me know. This is to prevent IC feelings from seeping into OOC, or OOC anger slipping into IC, which I find is often one of the biggest causes of godmodding and other such acts. I do not use /random or /dice for individuals I trust, but for strangers or public fights, I prefer using the fairness of dice. said, I adore all genres, but I prefer horror, psychological, thriller vibes above all. I like tension, violence, cruelty, and depicting powerful emotions like fear, sadness, fury, bloodlust, and madness. however, these don't mean anything if it isn't balanced with humor, comfort, and fun, so I like including different themes when its needed! schedule is often chaotic and hard to predict, so I try to avoid promising a specific amount of roleplay or dedicating myself to a long-term roleplay partner except in circumstances where we are communicating very well and the other person is clear that I won't be able to dedicate a substancial amount of time per day. however, if we are extremely compatible then long-term roleplays and more firm ships are welcome and adored!

shipping. ships should be discussed beforehand if they involve any of my characters, though that is different from me accepting discussions versus not. in the same vein, ships involving my characters are often volatile, angsty, dark, and dramatic, with sweet spots in between, so if you are looking for slice of life or pure hopeless romance, I may not be the person for you. the darker, the better, especially since most of my characters are criminals, villains, or morally questionable at best.

—   main ocs.

  activity key  .

✖ — not available.
✔ — yes.
► — with discussion.

short bio. kaito is an impulsive, obsessive, sadomasochistic sociopath who grew up learning to swindle, scheme, and take advantage of others. his mentor and father raised him to be apathetic and disgusted with others, and to use people's woes to make as much money as possible. gil, that is his purpose. the crimes he has committed define cruelty, and while he can seem suave and charming, with a friendly, practiced smile, he is actually a monster who is only kind to get something out of you.

availabilityfor roleplay
erotic roleplay
familial connections
work connections
name.kaito shinoda
race.half-garlean/half-doman. as a result of his heritage, he is incapable of producing aether.
gender.male, he/him
sexuality.pansexual (male lean)
hair.dark brown
eyes.his glasses are almost always on, hiding eyes of pitch, inky black that seem to suck in anyone who dares to look for too long. glasses makes him look far more friendly, and far more difficult to read, so most meetings are done with them on. during interrogations or "threatening encounters" they're taken off. some people have wondered if there is a curse to them, or if he makes them so unsettling through the use of aether.
skin.deep tawny brown, covered in scars and a traditional Doman tattoo on his arm.
alignment.chaotic evil
job.yakuza/financial advisor
home.lives in an apartment with his partner Isao.
family.his biological father is dead, though he was less of a father, and more of a mentor, but his mother is still alive. his mother is a retired prostitute who now works part time at a small food stand at the market where she sells fresh dango. he may have siblings.
marital stat.complicated
affiliation.After Effects, Family

short bio. when his sister grew up refusing the mantle of the family name, xian instead was trained in her place to lead by his parents and grandparents. he is equal parts friendly and sly, with a virtue for patience that can be both admirable and deadly. he is known for his penchant for all things jewelry, his adoring nephew who he raised like a son, and family bonding.    however, the taifeng traid has a terrible secret; the reason for their success and ability to strike fear into their city.   xian carries that secret with him, praying to spare his nephew of its truth.

availabilityfor roleplay
erotic roleplay
familial connections
work connections
name.feng xian
race.hyur (midlander)
gender.male, he/him
hair.long and black. often needs to be straightened, otherwise it is unruly and messy.
eyes.glowing gold
skin.medium olive
fashion.xian is often dressed to the nines in extravagent, highly expensive outfits that drip with gold jewelry and clean cut emeralds. his family, back before they were a triad, were known as fantastic jewelers and were renown for their custom designs for emperors and beautiful concubines. in assets they were wealthy, but as most of the jewelry were meant for others, they were only wealthy on paper. xian often annoys his sister as he always seems to be showing off his chest and musculature, which is also often adorned with jewelry. she finds him tacky and foolish.
alignment."chaotic good"
job.triad leader
origin.far eastern yanxia
family.older sister, parents, nephew, grandparents are alive and well.
marital stat.recently married to yuta ichikawa in a political move to gain access to kugane trade yakuza trade routes in exchange for trade routes in his city deeper east.
affiliation.taifeng family, ichikawa family

short bio. sasu grew up in a strange family dynamic. each member was raised to specialize in some form of activity in the criminal underworld, with each suffering from their own mutation that rendered them with odd and unique abilities. sasu, with a scorpion's tail and ink-like venom that taints his blood, saliva, teeth, and nails, he works under the guise as a tattoo artist, with an infamous grunge club for criminals lingering underneath its business.    he trades in information and heads, with gil holding little sway over his loyalty beyond a binding contract.   

availabilityfor roleplay
erotic roleplay
familial connections
work connections
name.sasu ueno
race.mutated xaela
gender.male, he/him or they/them
hair.white with long bangs. with white limbal rings.
unique traits.his teeth are sharp like a sharks, and often drip a sticky, black substance. his tongue is also a deep blue and quite long, resembling that of his raen counterparts.
skin.dark sepia brown and covered in black tattoos.
alignment.chaotic neutral
job.sasu works as a yakuza tattoo artist primarily, and when he isn't doing work for a specific family, he runs his own tattoo shop and club in the red light district with a few of his actual family members. There, they manage a well respected informant business in the underbelly, which offers quality information in exchange for big bucks to criminals and mercenaries alike. Occasionally, Sasu or the other members will be sent out to deal with certain 'tasks' if requested by a client.
family.has numerous brothers and sisters, as well as his parents and grandparents who are still alive.
marital stat.single
affiliation.his family. works on contracts, and affiliations change based on such.

short bio. etienne offers the illusion of being easily understood. he claims he has a younger sister who is married to a well-liked nobleman, and parents who are well-respected in their places of work. at least, that is what he tells his suitors as he seduces his way to his spot in Ishgardian noble court. however, an odd air lingers around him like cigarette smoke. his recollection of history is far too detailed, his life stories often contradict themselves, and his eyes, behind the wrinkle of a smile, carry a strange coldness.    most care little to question him or confront him about his lies, and that's what he's counting on.   

availabilityfor roleplay
erotic roleplay
familial connections
work connections
name.etienne veilleux
race.elezen, wildwood
gender.male, he/him
hair.golden blonde and was previously long, but has recently been cut short.
skin.light khaki beige, littered in scars from both people and dragons.
personality.etienne is actually quite dramatic, kind, and gentle. he can be a hopeless-romantic and equal parts charming, polite, and goofy while treating any man or woman like a beautiful princess. he seems to care little for how he appears to others, though he doesn't need to care as he seems effortlessly conventional. however, some rumours say this is all an act, and his real personality is hidden underneath layers of spikes as he strains to appear faultless. it's hard to say though, as many who did know him personally are either dead or gone like dust to the wind.
job."nobleman" and ishgardian knight.
family.younger sister and father are still alive. mother is deceased.
marital stat.single

short bio. yuto's past is a mystery, his suffering and happiness born at the whims of wars and culture. trained as an assassin and geisha both, his jobs and masters amended with the shifting of contracts between hands and the dramatic turn of political ideals. his name, appearance, and history transform by the year, and like a banshee, the sight of his visage is a warning sign to others. you are dealing with the grim reaper in a pretty, painted face.

availabilityfor roleplay
erotic roleplay
familial connections
work connections
name.yuto 'ayame' kuroi
race.viera, doman
gender.male, any pronouns
hair.white. he often utilizes wigs and hair pieces to change appearances and adorn himself in complicated hairstyles. As a result, he keeps his actual hair quite short. He spends two hours in baths and showers with a hair care routine to make up for the damage done to it due to the associated styling necessary to blend it in with the wigs.
eyes.golden brown
skin.pale porcelain. aya has a few scars around his torso and right eye that he often carefully hides with makeup before a client arrives. They are rarely mentioned, though the occasional sharp-eyed visitor has mentioned how strange it is for him to be adorned in blade marks.
alignment.true neutral
job.honeytrap assassin, geisha
family.unknown or dead
marital stat.single
affiliation.changes based on employer

short bio. with a crippling fear of death and an overwhelming desire to surpass mortality, kaien is a monk who consumes kami and yokai both. the human souls under his care were fed to him, and after years of defiling the very cycle of nature, he walks crippled by curses and strengthened by them in turn. his gluttony is endless, and his narcassicm leads him to believe he is actually a god sent to 'aid' the mortal realm to follow his path. hidden under a guise of wisdom and nirvana, his madness lingers, threatening all who get too close.

availabilityfor roleplay
erotic roleplay
familial connections
work connections
name.kaien shinoda
race.midlander, doman
gender.male, he/him
height.previously 5'10", now 7'6"
hair.gray and long, often tied back incredibly narrow and snake-like, with many mistakenly assuming he is either blind or simply walks around with his eyes closed. some villagers say he resembles a buddah
skin.medium tawny brown
alignment.chaotic evil
curse.With the excessive amounts of yokai he's consumed, Kaien's body has been filled with numerous curses and differing aetheric blends that his body has been mutated, rotted, and been reborn. His skin has transformed into a sickly grey and green, while the area around his heart and right arm has devolved into shades of black and purple. Veins bulge and pulsate from his core, and his very muscles seem to move as if controlled by another being. It brings him both great pleasure, and great pain.
job.monk and onmyoji
origin.mountains of yanxia
family.unknown (possibly alive)
marital stat.single

short bio. UNDER CONSTRUCTION. DIFFERENT CHARACTER NOW. aku was born on an island far off the coat of kugane, where sunlight rarely penetrates the thick fog and rain. there, time seems to have worked backwards, as they remain stuck in the past with superstitious beliefs surrounding death and sickness. morticians and doctors are seen as spiritual leaders, with only a handful being selected at a time from specific families. aku is one such individual. however, after a strange sickness overwhelmed his island, he decided to leave in search of a cure. a cult is perhaps the easiest way to describe his island, and he is one of the perpetrators of its success.

availabilityfor roleplay
erotic roleplay
familial connections
work connections
name.aku usagi
gender.male, he/him
height.5'7" and cut short, rather fluffy.
skin.extremely pale, almost grey.
alignment.lawful neutral
job.aku is a trained mortician and grave keeper, though it wasn't uncommon for him to act as a doctor and priest. he recorded, prepped, and contained bodies according to their unique and detailed traditions. should it be buried, the body would be buried. should it be prayed over and burned, it would be prayed over and burned. answers would be found within the guts of corpses and sewn back together to hide his intrusion. morticians were the island leaders, maintaining everyone's near fanatic beliefs. in that way, they were also feared. the island is controlled with paranoia and science both, which makes it difficult to claim that certain rules were untruthful. island far off the coast of kugane
family.has two older brothers. his parents are dead, but they were raised by his grandmother and uncle.
marital stat.single

short bio. orion is an ex garlean soldier who was dishonorably discharged and arrested for unknown circumstances. it was in prison that he found himself working for one of garlemalds largest criminal families as a gangster, with numerous external operations managed from within confined cells and work-camps. with the chaos of garlemald's attack, his gang was released, and left with the world as their oyster, they now balance the line between being upstanding, patriotic citizens, and cruel criminals who use newfound trade to start gambling rings and spread narcotics that were previously found only within garlean colonies.

availabilityfor roleplay
erotic roleplay
familial connections
work connections
name.orion vestorius
race.midlander, garlean
gender.male, he/him
hair.platinum blonde blue, almost grey
skin.dark taupe brown
alignment.lawful neutral --> lawful evil
job.ex. garlean soldier, criminal and gangster for the caeruleum cimeterium mafia, which is named after the labour camp the family originated in. after working with the group for over a decade, he is now considered a veteran and is a boss of one of the security groups, often undergoing his own tasks and deligating others. he is not only the man sent to kill rivals, but to clean up the mess. he wipes slates clean, and builds the foundation for his mafia to do what they need to do. loyalty to the group and other thieves is above all, and outsiders are considered to be enemies. for now, they play nice with the garlean government, aiding in the restructuring and reconstruction of their home while getting operations set up overseas.
family.unknown (potentially dead after the attacks on garlemald)
marital stat.single
affiliation.caeruleum cimeterium, garlemald

—   secondary ocs.

characters which are less developed than my main ocs. their backstories are less organized and their personalities aren't totally set, whether it's because they're brand new, super old and need udating, or I haven't been able to roleplay with them yet. however, I'd love to develop them further with folks!

  saga otakemaru  

pansexual (male lean).

an oni that was bound to an onmyoji by force, with a curse that forces him to never consume or kill a mortal creature unless given permission by a mortal master. he is forced to serve for 'good' though it is typically just the whims of who he is contracted with. he hopes to find a way to remove the curse on him.



an extremely new character. he's an infamous knight in ishgard that was supposedly born from a dragon turned heretic and a hyur mother. he's lived through the worst of the worst, and is only now getting recognition due to the societal changes after Heavensward. he's rather blunt, with a strong sense of justice but an equally jaded opinion on people.

  serial killer  


a relatively new character. a serial killer who wears numerous different masks to hide his face. he's known for cannibalizing people, primarily men. he has a strange quirk of flipping between personalities, one being extremely polite, and another being quick to anger, though both could be acts. he is not a character for the faint of heart and he covers heavy, dark topics.

  soul evradoux  

bisexual (male lean).

an older character that I've only gotten to roleplay as a few times. he's a 'vampire' in the sense that he consumes souls and aether from others, but he's in actuality a mage who has delved far too deep into the study of souls that his desire to fully understand them took over. what drives him is his ability to learn anything and everything he can about the soul, resulting in him committing numerous atrocities.


potentially pansexual with a male lean..

eden is from an entirely different planet. his main motivation derives from his desperation of finding a way to save his own world as it dies from an unknown disease. he's trying to mutate the creatures his people use in their technology to become a stronger varient, similar to a bacteria learning to ward against different anti-bacterial medicenes.